Heart & Lung News

ESPNIC congress 2024

20. June 2024

A heartfelt thank you to all ESPNIC congress 2024 and symposium attendees! Our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in the ESPNIC congress 2024 and the accompanying lunch symposium. Your presence, engagement, and contributions made this event an outstanding success! It was an honor to connect with so many dedicated healthcare ...

EuroELSO congress 2024

21. May 2024

Thanks for an amazing EuroELSO congress! We shared new insights, had great conversations and enjoyed spending time in Krakow. See you next year!

ISICEM congress 2024

25. March 2024

Thanks for a great ISICEM congress 2024! We had a lot of interesting conversations and industry insights. See you next year!  

EPNV 2023

16. May 2023

Thanks a lot for visiting our booth and symposium at EPNV 2023! It was great to see and talk to you!

EuroELSO 2023

2. May 2023

Thanks a lot for a great EuroELSO in Lisbon! We had a great time talking to you. See you next year!

ISICEM congress 2023

31. March 2023

Thanks for a fantastic ISICEM congress 2023! We had a great time talking to you. See you next year!  


28. September – 01. October
US ELSO Conference 2024

35th Annual ELSO Conference

Location: Detroit

05. – 09. October

37th ESICM's (European Society Of Intensive Care Medicine) annual congress - LIVES

Visit our Critical Care booth!

09. – 12. October
EACTS 2024

38th EACTS (European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery) Annual Meeting


Lisbon Congress Centre (CCL), Portugal